Friday, February 24, 2012

Grateful for You

Hello friends! Oh how I miss my "me-time" that I used to take in order to write. Not only does this keep you all posted on my busy life, but it is my online journal. My life has become very packed since Christmas break. This new semester at Jeff State has been great. I am enjoying my teachers and the new friends I've made within them. As I sit here and stare at the blinking line awaiting what I will type, I reflect on everything that has happened in the past month. A good mentor and friend lost his job and is now moving away. I am very close to his family and feel as if I'm losing a part of my own family. I have to trust that God is in control in every way. He calms the oceans, causes the mountains to melt at His name, and will bring peace to my soul.

Before I left for Alaska, I had a good friend that I never was real with and became very distant from her. She's active at my church and always just seemed to get under my skin. In return, I did the same to her. When I returned from AK she and I set a date for us to talk. Now, taking into consideration how much Alaska changed me, I was like a new person. We refer to pre-Alaska girl as "Old Lindsey", A.K.A. prideful, arrogant, all about me Lindsey. Our talk was amazing. Between truths and tears everything was laid out on the table and we ended with  renewed relationship. Over the past few months the Lord has really showed both of us how perfect His timing was in the redeeming of our broken friendship. She is one of my closest friends and I will forever praise God for His mighty work in our lives. So, family, meet Kirby...

I other news, Jenny and Payton are doing very well. They truly lived by the whole "marry your best friend" thing, which I plan to abide by as well. My oldest, and beautiful sister Stacey passed all her test to be a PA. We're so proud of her! They have found a Korean Presbyterian Church over where they live and the kids love it! I'm so happy. It makes me smile at the way the Lord works and has worked within our family and will continue to do amazing things! Stacey will soon be an officer in the Army and rock at it! I so do love her and do not tell her enough. She brings such life and fun to our family. Plus, she looks just like us! Ha ha

Mom had another birthday. Crazy huh? She is enjoying her last year as a woman under 60. She and my dad enjoyed their 6th year attending Mardi Gras in Mobile, AL along with lots of fun-loving family. My parents still know how to have fun and are growing closer day by day even after 36 years of marriage. I hope to be as fun as they are when I'm almost 60! Dad is still busy as ever but is enjoying be retired and being able to check out about 1:30pm for a good nap with our Yorkie, "Colby". They're the new happenin' couple. Ha ha. Love you both, plus Colby!

Bryant is due to come home from overseas before the 15th of March. He states that it has to be before because turkey season starts then! So of course, this is VERY important. I texted with him the other day and I just miss him. No, him and I have never been that close, but I'll never forget just a few days before he left in August I was sitting in my room and he walked right up to my door and said, "Alaska did you good", and just walked back into his room. I wanted to cry. It was like I got his stamp of approval. I always been a little "too Christian" for him to handle. So that meant the world to me. But as of a month ago the worst news to come to the family is that my oldest brother will be getting shipped out come the middle of May for 8 months. It's like us Tillman's can't get a break. I mean you would think with 5 immediate family members in the service that someone would say, "Hey, let's not send another Tillman off." You know? Scott will be missed, but we'll be waiting for him when he returns. In high school we had to write a paper on the most influential person in our lives and I wrote about Scott. He is not only my big brother, but a solid man of God whom I prayed for traits from him to be in my future husband. I will miss him and can't wait for him to come home safe ans sound.

Is that everyone? Mom, Dad, Jenny, Stacey, Scott, Bryant, and me? Yep. Great! Glad I finally found some time to catch up on what's going on lately. Talk to you wonderful family and friends very soon. Sending a dash of God's of love your way. Blessings friends...

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